
The word ‘adoption’ is derived from the two Latin words ‘ad’ and ‘optare’, meaning ‘to choose’. It is a bitter irony, that adoptions, as practised in Western societies, are the very antithesis of choice. An adopted person does not choose to be severed from his or her family of origin.

Source: Keith Griffith


Since the Adoption Act 1955 was passed there are have been numerous changes to adoption law in Aotearoa New Zealand, including the Adoption Information Act 1985, The Care of Children’s Act 2004, the Human Reproductive Technology Act 2004, and the Children’s Act 2014. Practices around adoption have also changed since the current Adoption Act 1955 was conceived.

There has also been many attempts by lobby groups, academics, MPs and others to change the laws relating to adoption. Most have aimed to ensure the law is consistent with Aotearoa New Zealand’s obligations under international child protection treaties, Te Tiriti o Waitangi and to become consistent with other legislation relating to children in our country.

We aim to cast a light on the journey to reform, to investigate the drivers and roadblocks along the way, and to support you, if you wish, to become a driver for change.

Exposing Adoption myths….

Love is not all you need…..

….it won’t erase the trauma

….it won’t erase the loss

….it won’t stop the gas-lighting

….it won’t undo the past

….it won’t protect your identity