This page provides links to articles related to adoption.
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Monday, 7 February 2022
No mountain, no river. By Bruce Munro
A truly personal story lies behind Erica Newman’s ground-breaking research that is helping reshape family relations in New Zealand. Bruce Munro talks to Dr Newman about why Māori adoptees and their descendants need a law change and asks what it means for all of us to forge identities grounded in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Source: The Nation, October 31/November 7, 2022 Issue
We Should Be Fighting for a World Without Adoption: If poverty, racism, and health care inequities were properly redressed, adoption would be a last resort. By Michele Merritt
This article explores the implications of the Roe v Wade and the myths of adoption.
Merrit concludes that, ‘You can care for children without erasing their history and turning them into commodities for purchase.’
Source: The Nation, December 7, 2021
What We Get Wrong About Adoption
By Gretchen Sisson and Jessica M. Harrison
Activists and political leaders promote adoption as a social good, looking past the complex experiences of adoptees and the parents who relinquish them.
Cast adrift: My story of adoption
by Kim Mcbreen Feb 6, 2022
Kim Mcbreen was adopted by a Pākehā couple who were told they were getting a Pākehā baby. It wasn’t until her 30s that she met her Māori birth father. Here she writes about the impact of a Pākehā adoption system that disconnected Māori like her from their whānau and whakapapa.
Story by Anne Else, published 5 May 2011, reviewed & revised 18 Apr 2018
A ‘forgotten’ whakapapa: historical narratives of Māori and closed adoption
by Annabel Ahuriri-Driscoll, Denise Blake, Helen Potter, Kim McBreen and Ani Mikaere 2023
What is happening in the USA?
Some things to think about:
In a wealthy nation like the USA, why are there ‘baby boxes’?
Why is the USA a Hague Convention for intercountry adoption receiving state as well as a sending State?
What are the implications of Roe v Wade on women unable to to access safe abortions??
Source: BBC News - 20 November 2022